Assisting with academisation

Conversion of primary schools to academies in Bromley


Bromley is promoting a phased programme of conversion for all schools to become academies as part of the development of school to school partnership for school improvement.

Perducta's role in Bromley was to broker relationships and partnerships between schools, identify opportunities for sharing resources and project manage the conversion process from start to finish.

After initial research, our first insight was that the whole programme needed to slow down. It takes time to form the most appropriate partnerships and this was the priority to ensure a sustainable outcome. Our robust data analysis showed us what schools might need extra support and where improvements could be made.


Perducta met most school heads and many governing bodies to discuss the academy conversion programme. We supported the schools in many areas including:

  • brokering relationships;
  • financial planning;
  • estate management;
  • insurance;
  • human resources;
  • shared leadership; and
  • staffing options.

We looked at all aspects of the conversion process including commercial transfer, the lease, the academy order, the educational vision and nature of the curriculum.

As part of our activities we led conferences for all schools and governors with diverse speaker which was both well received and attended with very positive feedback.


The programme started in March 2013 and is due to complete April 2015. As of March 2014, all but one secondary school in Bromley has converted and 44% of primaries with others well on their way, ranking it 4th highest local authority with the most converted schools.